Surf Studio

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We support the heralds of the new technologies


SurfStudio supports you

promoters of new technologies in the seeking of business opportunities, linked to the new technological trends.

SurfStudio is the new

but long awaited home of innovators, willing to go forward together, while sharing ideas in an attractive and live community.

SurfStudio is intended for:

NGOs, offering initiatives for start-up companies
Well-established companies
Well-established companies

Why SurfStudio?

To support companies in becoming more flexible and adaptive to the dynamically changing environment. Because change is everywhere - health care, finance, power engineering, car manufacture and many other sectors of the economy will reach a next stage in its development thanks to innovations and technologies

Inspire people for tomorrow’s challenges
Lend a hand to fresh ideas
Build a community with innovative thinking, visioning a better tomorrow
Further develop and enrich our ideas, so as to make them applicable to the business
Create opportunities for exchange of experience with our colleagues from SurfStudio Europe

What do we offer you?

To help you develop your new business concepts, based on modern technological trends.
  • Connect you with people sharing similar ideas (Co-creation)
  • Provide you with access to knowledge and resources of all SurfStudio teams in Europe
  • Give you a true assessment of your idea’s business feasibility
  • Give you a chance for partnership with technological companies, suitable for you  
  • Assist you in developing your idea in such a way, so as to impress big investors

Contact us

You are: *
Company/Organization name: *
You are interested in: *
Contact person *
Email *
Confidentiality is guaranteed and your personal data is being processed in observance of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act.

Thank you for your inquiry. SurfStudio team will contact you shortly.

SurfStudio Europe map

SurfStudio accross Europe

Sofia Icon
Budapest Icon
Bratislava Icon
Brno Icon
Prague Icon
Leuven Icon
Brussels Icon
Pardubice Icon
Dublin Icon